Our Services

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

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Pruning is an essential part of having trees in our modern urban environment. When it comes time to shape an old tree or foster the growth of a new one you want it to be done by someone who knows how to keep it thriving for many years to come. Mystic trees can do just that with our unique forward-thinking approach.


Large tree transplanting through to seedlings, both of these we specialise in. Existing gardens and landscapes can sometimes start looking a bit bare, this is where new plants can liven the area up again. Knowing the right plants to plant and when can be a tricky task, Mystic Trees can simplify this process.


Removing a tree can unfortunately be necessary in certain situations. Such as the tree having a compromised structure or the tree is dying/dead due to pests or disease. Whatever the reason Mystic Tree Services can work with you to make the process streamlined, safe, and up to the highest standard possible.

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

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Cable Bracing

Trees may become compromised due to structural defects, overweight limbs, pests and diseases or adverse weather. Cable bracing can be put in place to minimise the likelihood of failure and to retain the tree or limb that otherwise may need to be removed. This is non-invasive and provides support and stability.

Tree Health Care

The longevity of trees is Mystic Trees number one goal and mission. To ensure this can happen modern processes can be put in place which are tailored to the trees individual and seasonal needs. Our expertise ranges from individual trees pest and diseases treatments to soil and stem injections.

Habitat Creation

As trees are dying or even dead there is a whole different ecosystem that has established itself in that tree. Instead of removing the tree entirely and destroying this ecosystem, the tree can be habitat pruned. This enables the tree to remain while promoting bird, insect and other wildlife to thrive in a much safer state.

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